John Finnemore's Souvenir Programme Series 9 Transcripts


  1. Episode 1
  2. Episode 2
  3. Episode 3
  4. Episode 4
  5. Episode 5
  6. Episode 6


These are non-official transcripts created out of fannish love. I am not associated with John Finnemore or BBC Radio.

Reading these before listening or while listening for the first time will involve slight spoilers, but hopefully only in the form of the speaker being identified by name (because while listening without transcripts, you have to sort that out for yourself). I have purposefully avoided adding tone indicators or flashing any metaphorical arrows at any important bits.

When I have had questions or been unsure about the spellings of names, etc, I have followed the lead of Lyrics to Woof Woof Woof checked against D.R. Whispers' transcript. I used to jumpstart the transcripts.

Big thanks to eclecticishstuff, corvidiss, and watchingroger for beta reading, and huge thanks to Lu for further beta-ing, formatting the text, and building this site! They used Kalechips' Classless CSS style for styling.

Any remaining mistakes are mine – please don’t hesitate to let me know if you find any. You can find me on Tumblr @sassy1121.

I’ve only transcribed series 9, but another person has transcribed series 1 through 5 here.